The Playwriting and Dramaturgy Workshop
IPAG has completed Phases One and Two of its playwriting and dramaturgy workshop, the playwright-dramaturge tandem in synch with what the Program expects to be exciting productions-in-progress.
Using the play drafts submitted by the Fellows, the first phase applied the basics, the second a test read of the enhanced scripts, and the forthcoming third, the draft performance to a live audience.
The third phase is set on the third week of May through further enhancements and the lectures of experts on these disciplines (Guest specialists will be later announced). Selected plays will be produced as part of IPAG’s 46th Season
Dramaturgy Fellows have been paired with these apprenticing playwrights. Actors assigned to read the parts will soon act their characters out on stage.
These programs are all part of a larger plan to enhance our crafts of performance through the establishment of an institution where our evolved pedagogy is put into practice. Consequently, we strengthen our performance practice complemented by a growing community of audiences in our parts.
Check out all video-ed sessions and lectures posted in IPAG’s fb page: ipagarts