Under oppressive taxation, Agyu’s community resists the tyranny of the Sultan of Maguindanao. For generations, Agyu’s people have been under the Maguindanaon’s mercy. Negotiating to ease the tax demands, KUYASU (son of VANLAK, Agyu’s brother) angrily spears the Sultan dead instigating war. Maguindanaon warriors pursue AGYU and his people who evacuate to Aruman. The pursuit continues leaving the community suffering. Hope lies in MUNGAN, Kuyasu’s mother, too sick to evacuate. Mungan empowered by the diwatas holds the secret of the exodus to Nilandangan, their paradise, via the magical Golden Boat, the Sarimbar.

Power plays bar the smooth exodus. Leader Datu PEMULAW, Agyu’s oldest brother, uses age-old wisdom to allow the gods to favor fortune on their people. Mungan transforms into a spirit and ascends to lead her people to paradise across the mountains in the sky.