Dramaturgy, Directing, and Playwriting
From IPAG’s 3Ps (Praxis, Pedagogy, and Production), the courses present innovative methods spurred by our changing environments.
Natural calamities and upheavals have forged innovations in conventional methods of production reshaping theater today. New forms have been reconstructed leading our audiences to adapt to new experiences with innovative performances.
The courses examine how performance evolves through the conditions of a milieu, both naturally and man-made. From the basic principles of theater and performance, the courses trace the manners forms and how the engagements of theater are molded and re-molded. These innovations become the platform from where “new” performance forms evolve.
The courses involve production and are backed by principles of dramaturgy, the development of a playscript, and workshops setting up these elements in place (mise-en-scene) to produce narrative and meaning, and ultimately response.
Students examine the Principles of Representation, Meaning, and Identity which frame the dissection of Performance. Dramaturgy becomes organic to the courses in Playwriting and Directing.
A certificate of completion will be awarded to participants who complete the courses.
Pedagogue-Dramaturg, and Artistic Director, IPAG
